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Important HOA Update

April 28, 2023 2:19 PM | Deleted user


Village Green HOA

Dear Village Green Homeowners:

We would like to update the neighborhood on the status of the request to change our Temporary Structures Rule.  Specifically, the rule currently states, “No boats, trailers, snowmobiles, campers, motorcycles, motor bikes, mini bikes or the like are to be operated, stored or utilized on common areas or visible outside of an owners garage.  This means that if you own a boat, trailer, ATV, etc. and it can fit in the garage then it may be stored there.  The Declaration does not allow these vehicles to be parked on the driveway or at Village Green unless they can fit in your garage.  (Section 4.7(a) and 4.10)”.  A proposal has been made to amend this rule to allow for the temporary parking of things other than passenger vehicles in driveways.

The Board has heard from a group in opposition to changing the Temporary Structure Rule as well as the group who brought the request forward.  After listening to both and reviewing our HOA documents again, the Board has declined to make a change to the Temporary Structures Rule. 

In our view, the proposed rule change conflicts with the Declaration and therefore such change requires 67% support of all the owners at one vote per residential lot.

Homeowners can access Meeting Minutes as well as all of our Governing Documents on the Village Green Website (

We thought it would be helpful to highlight the steps required to change the Declaration:

1.      An amendment may be proposed by either the Board of Directors or no less than 20% of  Homeowners (One vote per Residential Lot) to be voted upon at the Annual Meeting.

2.      A Special Meeting can be called by 40% or more owners (One vote per Lot) 

3.      A 67%  affirmative vote of  all Homeowners (One vote per Lot) is required to change the Declaration.

The Board explored hiring an attorney to review the HOA Documents and work with the neighborhood to revise and update them, but it will be very costly and we prefer to avoid this expense if possible. 

Even if an independent legal opinion was obtained that found that the changes could be made via Rule, the Board will not support such a change without a 67% affirmative vote from the Homeowners.


VG Board of Directors

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